Shlissel Challah
15 April 2020
This week women around the world are uniting together in baking challah and performing the  meaningful mitzvah of hafrashat challah - one of the 3 mitzvot specifically given to women. As we add each of the ingredients and kneed the dough which will become our challah for Shabbat, we take this special opportunity to pray to Hashem for all of the blessings we desire for our families, our h...
The foundation of our Home
20 October 2015
When we first arrived in Israel, getting used to Sundays as a workday was not easy. The marathon meetings, rigorous schedules and endless planning start bright and early Sunday morning. By the time Shabbat comes , I am so thankful to Hashem for the gift of this special day. Shabbat comes with a sense of peace and tranquility which helps us take a break from our hectic lives by putting our work...