Rejoice in Receiving The Torah & Keys To Your New Home in Israel
6 June 2024
Imagine standing at the door of your beautiful new home in Israel, receiving the keys, ready to open the lock. You have flutterings in your stomach with all the anticipation built up over the past months.  Will your home in Eretz Yisrael have all the comfort and elegance you envision? Perhaps it’s similar to our ancestors' feeling, standing at the foot of Mt. Sinai waiting to r...
The Wonders of Israel Independence Day & Your Elegant Dream Home
15 May 2024
This year, Israel’s Independence Day will be different. It will be more subdued without the complete festivities that we’ve seen in the past. However, we will still mark the occasion. We will reach inside ourselves and express our joy, knowing that we have a Jewish state—our homeland, which Hashem has given us. Our birthright of Israel was reinforced when we witnessed a mirac...
“Next Year In Israel”
18 April 2024
Are you ready for Passover? Do you feel the excitement of family and friends gathering at your Seder table? You laugh and sing as you read the Haggadah from Kadesh until Chad Gadya. At the close of the seder, you recite four words: “Next Year In Israel.”   More than ever, those words are resonating throughout the world. Jewish people are making their dreams come true and ...
Celebrating 18 Years Of Aliyah —   Designing A Home In Israel
20 August 2023
18, a symbolic number in Judaism, represents Chai or Life.  It’s hard to believe that 18 years ago, along with my husband, Reuven, and our 6 children, ages 2 through 11, we made aliyah.    Israel is a wonderful place to vacation,  visit family and friends, explore from the Negev to the Galilee, and pray at the Kotel. But making aliyah is definitely different. We...
Celebrating Aliyah
15 July 2016
In my business, I spend so much time working with other people on their dream homes that I need to remind myself every once in a while to stop and appreciate my dream home, Israel. We made aliyah 11 years ago, leaving our family and large Toronto community for the unknown but exciting future that lay ahead in Israel. Sometimes I look back and think, "Wow, I must have been crazy!" But...